Thursday, February 24, 2005

BK in Chicago ~

3 days in Chicago

Last weekend I stayed in Chicago. I heard that Chicago is the 3rd largest city in the U.S and famous for sky scrapers. Anyway I went to Chicago. As expected, there are too many sky scrapers.

The first night, I went to the John Hankock Center that has a great view of Chicago. Then I made up my mind that in beatiful Chicago I had to chose some place which I really want to visit because my time was limited. I've liked American sports since before I came to America. So I decided to visit all of the stadiums in Chicago and then I visted the Cubs, Whitesox and Bulls stadiums to take pictures. I especially wanted to see the inside of the Cubs's home stadium (Wrigley field)
It was just a 3 day trip, but I can't forget all of my memories of Chicago


Cubs, WhiteSox : MLB Baseball Team
Bulls : NBA Basketball Team